Service par excellence
Turn the service desert in an oasis!
On average, companies lose about 50% of their clients within five years. More than 70% of these clients defect to the competition because they hope to receive better support and service. This is a disastrous number! What this number shows is that companies put a lot of effort into winning new clients instead of improving existing customer relationships and making those relationships more profitable. This can also be expressed in a different way: Service is the key to success!
Quality evaluations occur in the mind of the customers. If the quality of a service does not appeal to them, the only thing that remains as a differentiating factor is the price. Individualized services make the customer relationship more valuable and the customer’s purchase an amazing experience. Oftentimes, this type of personal service is something that the customer is willing to pay more for. Intelligent and personalized services are also a strong distinguishing factor for customers, and so they ensure continuous market success. Service is the key factor in establishing an important connection between the product and the customer – it thus makes a crucial difference within a business.
In the end, the quality of a service and how service is lived out is the sum of the stories which people – employees as well as clients – tell about a company. And every story, be it positive or negative, influences the value of a brand.
In conclusion, there are many reasons to think about the service quality of your company, and to write the type of service stories that plant themselves in the heart and mind of people.
How is your company doing? Are you benefitting from intelligent service processes? Are you celebrating human moments with your customers? Not yet? Then treat your employees, managers, and customers to some inspiration – with a lecture from Sabine Hübner.
All lectures are available live as well as digitally – as a live stream, a remote lecture, or a hybrid workshop.
We live during a time in which the digital world has found its way into the material world. The boundary between product and service is slowly dissolving. Products and services alone, meanwhile, are in no way sufficient enough to remain competitive. Offering additional digital services in combination with the right service attitude can save the future for many companies in different industries. The client of today is more autonomous, informed, critical, and selective than they have ever been before. Every contact point a customer experiences within a company is a test.
If a service is not adequate, the customer leaves or communicates his displeasure publicly. Both of these possibilities can cost the company money and damage their reputation.
Disrupt or be disrupted. New companies that establish themselves successfully within traditional markets have the chance to turn entire industries and their established business models inside out. They get rid of old habits and break certain unwritten rules of the industry. By doing this, they cut the ground out from under the feet of long-established companies. But this isn’t really necessary.
- Digital and personalized services – these two things fit together perfectly. How to close the interfaces between digital and personalized service in an excellent way.
- How digital services make your service performance truly valuable.
- Faster than the customer. Fulfil the wishes of your customers that they didn’t even know they had.
- How your company can make a name for itself during the age of digitalisation.
Result This lecture removes the fear of digitalisation and highlights the many possibilities that exist to survive and thrive in the world of tomorrow. And, how a company can fascinate customers with excellent service. It also motivates you to make the digital world your friend in life, and how the best of both the digital and material world can be combined in an outstanding way.
About 70% of employees in Germany work in the service sector. They generate about 70% of the gross value added. Statistically, we could have already reached the point of a nationwide service oasis – but in reality we have not yet reached this point. Whenever a client is caught in the queue on a hotline or has to wait at the counter for a long time, it is like the customer becomes a supplicant beggar. The client is buffeted by indifferent employees, silenced by managers who focus only on costs, and pushed aside by unimaginative, standard products. The client is not a king at all.
What we need is a completely different service atmosphere in our country. We need employers and employees who love service. We need brilliant ideas and active people who do everything to make big ideas come true. Even if they encounter resistance at first – which is absolutely normal. Those who break existing patterns always encounter resistance. Some common phrases you will hear in resistance are: “We have never done it like this before,” “Who will pay for this,” “We do not even have the capacities to do this!” “ This administration effort will be our downfall.”
- Being satisfied is not enough. Excellent service is the key to market leadership.
- How excellent service is defined and what needs to be considered in reference to service performance.
- How service makes life easier, nicer and better.
- Successful examples which make you look forward to great service.
Result This lecture wants to encourage and inspire you. Be different than others, be better than others! Count on excellent service. You will see how much fun good service is for both you, and for your customers. What is even better is the fact that you can directly see the emotional profit: Perfect service captivates everyone. And in the long run, you will see how quality service reflects itself in your finances. Because perfect service not only makes you more successful – it also makes you just a little bit richer.
People don’t long for mass-produced items. People long for attention and service that makes life easier, takes away unnecessary work, and saves both time and energy. The customer of the future wants to communicate with a company on equal terms and insists that companies listen to them. They are not interested in what the marketing departments suggest, and they do not want to be continually put off by service departments that are outsourced. What they want is that the company provides them with what they really wish for – or even better, something they would wish for if they knew about it. When a company makes a customer feel welcomed and that their life is being made easier and better, the customer wants to continue to have their future customer experiences with that company. And they will come back again and again. Service is not some soft topic – it is economically relevant. Because service is a big part of a sale.
- From service based on coincidence towards service as part of an excellent planned performance
- See the customer’s perspective. Break the rules and act with the customer’s point of view in mind
- Frame the contact points with your clients in an intelligent way and make quality noticeable in every moment
- Break the bottlenecks that exist and create added value. Drive an increase in value with intelligent services.
Result Even today many companies generate the bigger part of their income with additional, add-on services. This lecture emphasises the fact that service is a matter of the heart. It shows how service becomes the growth engine within your company.
A company does not have a culture – it is a culture. The image of a company in the market is not only determined by the quality of its products, but even more so by the people. The lived service culture is the sum of the stories people – employees as well as clients – tell about a company. Every encounter, every process becomes a part of that story, a part of the company’s history. And every story – whether positive or negative – influences the image and value of a brand. If the conditions in the marketplace changes, a company oftentimes needs to reinvent itself in order to survive. This requires a new way of thinking for each employee, and quite often a reform of the company’s service culture. This is the ideal way in which a company stays competitive and wins the favour of its customers. From the managers to the interns, when discussing service culture, every person counts. There is no separation between the outer and inner sphere. Those who want to win over their customers with excellent customer service needs to win over their own teams first. This is due to the fact that in the digital age, every company has the same number of press officers as it does employees. Achieving superiority in the market requires that companies have a spirit that drives them to achieve amazing service. Investments into a consistent culture that prioritizes service promises a high return on investment. The numbers in every industry prove that it is much more expensive to win over new clients than it is to keep existing ones.
- Focus on employees. Only those things that shine in the inside can sparkle on the outside.
- How you can establish a spirit that leads to great service, attracts the best employees, and makes your company outstanding.
- Focus on customers. How you can control your Service-DNS with the right measurements to win over your employees for a positive culture in dealing with errors.
Result Based on enlightening examples from several consultancy projects, this lecture shows where service culture succeeds, and where it fails. The work completed within clearly defined processes is controllable and measurable. Still, attitude cannot be seen and measured with common management tools. This lecture provides clear advice on how to direct the seemingly “soft topic” of service towards the creation of a lived attitude within employees.
We are catching up when it comes to good service. But there are still many things that still do not work the way they should. We have to wait for taxis, for responses to our inquiries, for packages. We pay a lot of money to save just a little bit of time. We are not suddenly surprised by punctuality, heart-felt moments that happen just-in-time, or intelligent workflows – these rarely exist. What we are missing are the magic moments, the ones that make excellent service unforgettable for the customer. Why don’t these things function in a better way? Because service is too often reduced down to a mechanical process. This leads to the most optimal process, but by thinking this way, one very important point is forgotten. Service can only be excellent if companies develop a system where managing contact points with the customer transitions from a technical perspective to an emotional one. These are the moments that not only make our customers happy, but also the employees.
- Go from an ambitious service provider to a secret service magician.
- Unexpectedly nice things happen, unfortunately, too rarely. Why perfect processes enable a high tempo but are only one-half of the story.
- The power of the right timing. Create special moments, break the rules – with courage and emotion
Result This lecture is a is a plea for the opening up of strict processes. For more freedom and humanity that help us achieve more magical moments with the most important good a company can have – the customers. This might sound “soft” to some, but this so-called soft factor has a strong consequence for the company – economic success.
It no longer works in today’s world to simply undertaking a random, “watering can” approach to marketing. People have a strong desire and need to be perceived. They wish to be seen, heard, and understood. When empathy is connected to friendliness, it can have a great effect. It creates personal connections and is the best way to win the trust of customers. Alongside friendliness, we also express commitment and goodwill. We open the possibility of influencing even the most difficult situations in a positive way. Only with empathy are we able to understand the viewpoints of other people. With empathy we can act courteously and provide the exact solutions needed with the right kind of communication. Empathy gives us the maximum quality encounter in the moment, leading to wowed customers.
- Empathy can be learned. The four steps to empathy.
- From random dispersions to focused attention. Understand what moves other people.
- Create magic moments. Because the HOW gives value to the WHAT.
Result “Empathy is something you either have, or do not.” This lecture does away with this fairy-tale once-and-for-all and gives direct, applicable advice on how empathy can be developed. Moreover, you will learn how empathy leads to a real, quality relationship in your contacts with customers and colleagues.
Service culture works everywhere. Sabine Hübner knows about every important industry and offers answers that hit the bullseye.
Service culture works everywhere. Sabine Hübner knows about every important industry and offers answers that hit the bullseye.